Why winter is the best time for laser skin treatments
Winter isn’t good for much.
It’s cold. It’s stressful. There are so many weather conditions to factor into every little thing. Between the wind chills, the salt everywhere, and the deep freeze, it’s also not great on your skin.
But winter is good for something: It’s a great time to consider some laser treatments that will have your skin looking younger, healthier, and more luminous by the time spring blossoms in a few months.
The winter months are ideal for skin treatments because we’re covered up all the time, so the skin has a chance to heal or undergo changes slowly, away from the bright sunshine we’re exposed to in the summer.
The Skin Center at Southgate Medical Group offers a wide variety of treatments to help you look and feel your best, including:
Laser Hair Removal
We’re proud to provide GentleLASE Pro, an easy, mess-free process that provides comfortable hair removal utilizing the power of laser light. GentleLASE breaks the hair down inside the follicle, destroying the root and preventing the hair from growing back (except for some facial hair). Skin will be a little pink following treatment, but it will go back to normal within a few hours. Most treatments can be performed in less than an hour. Throw your razor away with last year’s worries!
Laser Tattoo Removal
Start 2020 with getting rid of a tattoo that reflects a different time in your life. Using the enlighten procedure, tattoos can be removed in a way that isn’t the painful, time-consuming process it used to be. enlighten uses very short bursts of laser pulses, lasting just a picosecond each, to break down the ink particles in a tattoo, helping it lighten quickly and safely, requiring fewer sessions than other methods.
Treatments to Repair Sun Damage: We love the sun, but it doesn’t always treat us well. SouthGate offers several options to treat sun damage, including
- PICO Genesis laser treatments that utilize two effective wavelengths in ultra-short pulses to cause a non-thermal disruption and remodeling of the upper layers of your skin. The result? Your skin looks brighter and revitalized with a more even tone, all with fewer treatments than other procedures.
- Microdermabrasion polishes and removes the upper layer of the skin, exfoliating for brighter, more even skin while reducing the appearance of wrinkles. Skin is more firm, has a better tone, and produces more collagen, further helping with a younger look.
- Chemical Peels remove damaged, dead skin cells while stimulating the growth of new, younger-looking, and more revitalized skin. Using a light layer of acid to remove the upper layers of skin, the treatment leaves you with a radiant complexion and requires little to no downtime. Peels can help reduce the appearance of scars and fine lines and help shrink pores.
Rejuvenation Treatments
Surprise people at those big social functions by showing up looking younger, healthier, and more revitalized! The Skin Center at Southgate offers several rejuvenation treatments, including:
- PICO Genesis to tone skin and build collagen, resulting in a hydrated, firm, and radiant complexion with reduced fine lines and wrinkles.
- Sublative Rejuvenation uses radio frequency to rebuild skin from the inside out, boosting collagen production to plump skin and reduce fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars and provide a more even skin tone.
- Microdermabrasion polishes the uppermost layer of skin, exfoliating to reveal younger-looking skin that produces more collagen for a healthy, radiant appearance and improved texture.
- Chemical peels encourage the production of collagen and elastin for firmer, more radiant skin while reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
- GentleYAG laser treatments stimulate collagen production in the deeper skin layers, tightening the skin and making the skin more elastic and vibrant.
Contact us!
Don’t miss the chance to make your New Year’s Resolution of looking your best a reality. Contact us today and set an appointment to meet with one of our specialists to determine which treatment is right for you.
Today’s the best time to start working on your new look!